Service in Conference |
Meal, Coffee & Entertainment Service on Slender Club Japan 2023
9, June, 2023(Fri) ・No food and Coffee Service ・No Gala Dinner
10, June, 2023 (Sat) ・Luncheon Service : for all attendance at the conference venue ・Coffee Service on Coffee break session: for all attendance at the conference venue ・Welcome Performance of Japanese Shamisen with light meal (Japanese Bento style) for all attendance at the conference venue ・No Gala Dinner
11, June, 2023 (Sun) ・Luncheon Service for all attendance at the conference venue ・No coffee service ・No Gala Dinner
* Registration fee is including the coffee service during Coffee break seminar, the Lunch service during the Luncheon seminar and light meal (Japanese Bento Style) during welcome attraction of Japanese Shamisen performance. * Accommodation is not included in the fees. * No Dinner party, no Gala Dinner, no reception, no get together, no cocktail party in this conference. |